SICAMM is about to become a federation of European Dark Bee organisations. A team of mellifera enthusiasts has worked hard since september 23 and will be presenting the plans at a Kick-Off Meeting on January 11th '24.


Associated organisations and links – this page is under construction

We are working with our member organisations to review and update this page through the Board of Representatives. We apologise for any errors or omissions.

Please contact us if your organisation is missing.

Thank you


Austrian Mellifera Züchter.  visit website

Imkerei Hölzl.  visit website

Article by R. Moosbeckhofer on bee races in Austria.  view


Organisation de l’association Mellifica.
Mellifica est une association sans but lucratif qui a pour objectifs l’étude et la protection de l’abeille noire indigène. De manière prioritaire, l’association s’occupe de la sélection et de la conservation de la biodiversité de l’abeille noire.  visit website

Reconnaître l’abeille noire – Rucher du tilleul: Hubert Guerriat.  visit website

Limburgse Zwarte Bij vzw.  visit website

Czech Republic

Guerrilla Beekeeping Apis mellifica mellifica/ Vcelaríme s tmavou vcelou/ Imkern mit dunklen Biene.  visit website

Včelatmavá.cz / Gemeinschaft für den Erhalt der Dunklen Biene – Czech Republik. 

visit website


Foreningen for brune bier i Danmark / Association of brown bees in Denmark. visit website

Black Bee Læsø. Short introduction to the “Black Bee Story”. view

Den brune bi på Læsø.  visit website


FEDCAN: Fédération européenne des conservatoires de l’abeille noire.

visit website

Conservatoire de l’Abeille Noire d’Île de France.

Protéger, conserver & développer Apis mellifera mellifera.  visit website


Défenseur de l’abeille noire Normande Apis Melliféra Melliféra. visit website

SAHN – Syndicat Apicole de Haute-Normandie. visit website

Abeille noire (discussion forum).  visit website

Visite à Ouessant, conservatoire de l’abeille noire bretonne.  visit website

Association “Sauvegarde de l’abeille noire limousine”.  visit website

L’arbre aux abeilles – ruche tronc et abeille noire.  visit website

Terre d’abeilles.   visit website

Bernard Nicollet:  Apiculteur-Eleveur.   visit website

Gilles Fert: International consultant.  visit website

Joël Schiro Distribution.  visit website

Vincent Péricard.  visit website

Marc Gatineau.  visit website

L’abeille noire bretonne: Jean-Louis Le Moigne.   visit website

Conservatoire de l’abeille noire, Val de Loire-Sologne-Forêt.  visit website

Le Rucher des Allobroges – CETA de Savoie.  visit website

Mellifera – Research group.  visit website

ADAIF – Association pour le développement de l’apiculture en Île de France.  visit website

Conservatoire du Pays Basque.  visit website


Bundesverband Dunkle Biene Deutschland e.V. view website

GEDB – Gemeinschaft zum Erhalt der Dunklen Biene e.V. visit website

SAVE Foundation – Safeguard for Agricultural Varieties in Europe. visit website

Die Dunkle Biene: Kai-Michael Engfer, Kiel, Germany. visit website

VIEH – Vielfältige Initiative zur Erhaltung alter und gefährdeter Haustierrassen.

visit website

Imkerforum Nordbiene – German-language discussion forum.  visit website

Honey Bee Diversity (Biodiversity): Kai-Michael Engfer.  visit website

Zuchtverband Dunkle Biene Deutschland e.V.  visit website

Imkerei Kuhnke: Dagmar und Reinhard Kuhnke. visit website

Verein Dunkle Biene Bayern e.V. visit website

Irish Republic

The Native Irish Honey Bee Society.  visit website

South Tipperary Beekeepers’ Association.  visit website

Coolmore bees.  visit website

Killowen Bees: Michael Wainwright.  visit website

BeespokeInfo.  visit website


Latvijas Biškopības biedrība.  visit website


Valstietis-LT.  visit website


Ruttneri Conservation project  view


‘t Landras.  visit website

De Duurzame Bij (“The sustainable bee”).  visit website

Article, “De Twentsche Imkersclub ‘t Landras’.”  view

Imkerpedia: Albert Stoter.  visit website


Norges Birøkterlag – Norwegian Beekeepers’ Association. visit website

Norsk Brunbielag.  visit website


Instytut Zootechniki.  visit website

Pasieka Wędrowna Barć. visit website


Russian Association for Conservation Apis mellifera mellifera L. (RACAMM) (Selektsioniy tsentr (assotsiatsia) po srednerusskoiy porode pchel medonosnikh SVRNTS).  

visit website


Föreningen och projektet NordBi.  visit website

Välkommen till Jamtbi.

En sida om bin och biodlare i Jämtland.  visit website

Imkerei in Lappland: Bernd Klotz. visit website

Switzerland – Verein Schweizerischer Mellifera Bienenfreunde  mit dem Zweck, die   schweizerische Apis mellifera mellifera zu schützen, zu pflegen und zu erhalten.
visit website

Imkerei Soland, Schweiz. visit website

PSR – Pro Specie Rara.  visit website

Bienenfarm: Ernst Hämmerli. visit website

United Kingdom

BIBBA – Bee Improvement and Bee Breeders’ Association. visit website

Cornwall Bee Improvement and Bee Breeders’ Group: James Kilty.  visit website

Bee Improvement Programme for Cornwall (BIPCo).  visit website

B4 Project: Bringing Back Black Bees.  visit website

British native dark honeybees: David Campbell.  visit website

Beekeeping Courses on Colonsay.  visit website

Native Queen Bees: Jonathan Getty.  visit website

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